Top best 7 countries recommended for work in 2023

3. Germany

This country offers many tempting opportunities for foreign workers. If you speak the German language, your chance to get a job in German will be bigger.

In fact, this issue of language makes it always hard for people to apply for a job abroad. Immigrants find it really hard to study a language and work at the same time.


So, here is a link where you will find some tips to find a job in Germany even if you do not speak German: speaking the German language.

We advise you to start your job application once you have enough information about the process and the documents required.

4. New Zealand

This is really a mesmerizing country. Its nature, high life quality, and strong economy are general factors that attract immigrants, especially business owners and those who look for great jobs, all over the world.

Most immigrants apply for a work/holiday visa, which allows 18-30 years old people to work for 6 continuous months within the country.

New Zealand

The majority of these applicants are young people who usually invest their savings (after they get a job in New Zealand) to travel around the country, or around South East Asia.

5. Hong Kong

Hong Kong

Hong Kong is classified as the seventeenth country according to the HSBC survey, and it is characterized by its high life quality as well as its considerable expat community.

Despite its huge living expenses, Hong Kong is considered the first country in business promotion. We suggest you think about spending a period of time in this country, it is worth it!

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